Depth maps are only available for Fishbrain Pro members. Anglers located in the US and Canada have the option to switch between two depth maps providers including Navico C-Map Genesis Social and Navionics Sonarcharts.

Fishbrain works together with these partners to show some of the best depth maps on the market.

Navico C-Map Genesis Social is offered on a global scale to all Fishbrain Pro users. These maps are generated by Navico based on what their customers are uploading. Hence, more populated areas have better coverage. You can read more about the maps here

These maps have great coverage and are highly detailed. You can read more about them here.

Please note that as Fishbrain works with external partners to display these depth contours, what is offered might change without notice.

For the best experience, we recommend using depth maps while on Wi-Fi as they can use a high amount of data.