Depth maps are accessible for Fishbrain Pro members only. Anglers located in the US and Canada have the option to switch between two depth maps providers, including Navico C-Map Genesis Social and Navionics Sonarcharts.

After switching to Navionics Sonarcharts (find how to switch them here) you will get access to detailed depth information on your favorite fishing water.

White areas represent safe areas for boat fishing, while blue areas cover 1-3 ft depth. The lighter the area color, the deeper the water is.

On areas of lines with numbers, each line connects an area of equal depth. The area depth is shown in numbers by each line - so you can zoom in to see them.

Closely spaced lines indicate steep areas with a larger depth difference within a short distance, typically steep banks and ridges.

Spaced out lines indicate areas with less change in depth. Areas with no lines represent a flat bottom.

On the Fishbrain map, the Navionics layer includes a depth indicator which gives you precise depth data in feet as you pan over the water of your choice on the Fishbrain app. This feature is currently available on iOS only.


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